Bird Island

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Overview Bird Island is situated in the Seychelles and offers excellent birding opportunities and an eco lodge. Twenty-four bird species recorded in the Seychelles were first seen on Bird Island of which seven species have still not been recorded elsewhere in the Seychelles (Stone Curlew, Jack Snipe, Eurasian Nightjar, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Whinchat, Pied Wheatear and Bimaculated Lark). The lodge uses solar water heaters and does not have any air conditioning, fridges, televisions etc in the rooms and so the power usage per chalet is kept to a minimum of lighting only. The Island is a family-run business and undertakes conservation research and monitoring. A farm on the island aims to grow as many fresh vegetables as possible for the restaurant, so as to be self-sufficient. The farm is watered using rainwater collected from the buildings at the farm.

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