Project in Burkina Faso

Project in Burkina Faso Product details

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The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility is proud to announce that the Project in Burkina Faso has arrived at a milestone of the admittance of Burkina Faso as a REDD+ funding eligible nation. The announcement was accompanied by US$3.8 million financial boost to develop and begin implementation of a national REDD+ strategy.

Burkina Faso has identified a number of priority issues for REDD+ readiness including land use planning, with the security of land tenure and the sustainable management of agriculture, silviculture and pastoral systems. This has also come with the harmonization of policies involving natural resources, strengthening governance over the region.

By doing this, these organizations hope to one day really enhance the quality of forest management in Burkina Faso whilst stopping the present rate of Deforestation.

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