Organic Ceiling Proofing and Residual Spray Package

Organic Ceiling Proofing and Residual Spray Package Product details

Organic Ceiling Proofing and Residual Spray Package Product by:

Birds can become pests for warehouse or commercial building owners, and even residential home owners.

In South Africa, the more common Indian Mynahs, Pigeons, and sparrows tend to become these very 'pests'.

Their professional technicians have been highly trained and educated in the removal and prevention/proofing of birds, and they are confident that they can provide you with an eco-friendly and humane solution.

On Commercial and Industrial sites they use a range of methods and onsite equipment to eradicate this infestation such as polycarbonate bird spikes and repellent gel.

With Residential homes, their Organic Ceiling Proofing and Residual Spray Package will assist in preventing both birds and bats from entering, as well as kill any micro-pests that birds are known to carry.

Organic Ceiling Proofing and Residual Spray Package are the very safe Eco Pest Control for you and your family and also in our environment.

At Envirotech, your safety comes first and all their work is guarantee.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Organic Ceiling Proofing and Residual Spray Package information and ordering.

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