Green Organic Coffees

Green Organic Coffees Product details

Green Organic Coffees Product by:
Satemwa Tea Estate

Satemwa are a 3rd generation family owned Organic Coffee And Tea in the Shire Highlands of Malawi established in 1923, we have grown Eco coffee since 1971. All our Green Organic Coffees are grown at an altitude of 900 - 1,000m above sea level.
We produce a range of popular Sustainable Coffee styles, consisting of a mild washed Arabica and a pulped Eco Natural coffee etc. Our top quality coffees are all hand-picked to ensure cherries are ripe, producing sweet, aromatic coffees. We are contributing to improving Malawi's standard of living by conducting quality Green products.

For nearly 100 years we have been promoting superior teas and coffees which are exported around the world. In order to better protect the Natural ecosystems for coffee trees growing in the areas of natural forest on Satemwa, we commissioned a study to analysis the high value of these indigenous flora and flora.

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