Eco Atlantic Ocean Tuna

Eco Atlantic Ocean Tuna Product details

Eco Atlantic Ocean Tuna Product by:

SASSI is a Green Sustainable Seafood Industry and supplier, we committed to working closely with the Seafood Industry towards a future in which sustainable fisheries and aquaculture thrive at a reasonable level to supports the individual’s requirement and businesses.Eco Atlantic Ocean Tuna we provided is a prized food, living up to 15 years and weighing up to 45 kg, approximately 23% is caught in the Atlantic Ocean.

Our Seafood products are acquired in healthy ecosystems to provide them with livelihoods. Not only does this help to reduce the pressure on our threatened marine resources, but also with an increasingly environmental awareness in the market.

For supporting a Sustainable Solutions of seafood industry, our vision means purchasing environmentally responsible Seafood by following our best practice guidelines for sustainable seafood.

Our consumers can buy our Eco Sustainable seafood in their local restaurants and Sustinable Retailers; we ensure that all Seafood on offer is legal and not on the SASSI Red list.

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