The Rental Company

The Rental Company info, products & news

One of the oldest and most established rental finance service providers in South Africa now has the capability to offer rentals on

  • Solar PV
  • LED lights
  • Solar Heat pumps
  • Or a package thereof.

With the drive to energy efficiency the capital costs of the installations are sometimes hard to raise but let the rental company assist so you can use the savings you make in your electricity to work for you through the rental option.

The Rental Company provides specialist asset funding to assist you and your customers to achieve your business goals in the most economical and hassle free manner.

As a commercial financier for government, parastatals, multi nationals, as well as public and private companies, we are interesting in the overall future implications of assets or equipment within your organization.

Unlike banks, we are focused asset specialists who understand, consider and include the soft costs associated with the purchase, including installation, maintenance and training.

email: [email protected]

+ 27 (0) 41 379 2010

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